Forward Women

What is “Forward Women”?

In celebration of Women’s history month, Forward Women is born under the “HumansWe” umbrella.

The intention is to showcase what living in an all-inclusive world could look like, share perspectives from visionaries and highlight success stories from a diversity angle.

An all-inclusive human being gracefully embraces and celebrates their individuality as part of a whole.

They build bridges, connect, educate and include. They seek to understand, to learn and to help translate what others fail to see.

In 2019 we are putting the spotlight on career and professional women of all color, race, orientation and background for them to be mentors, guides and inspirations for the next generation after us

~ January 2019 ~

Sneak peak of the “women who dares to play in the boys club photo-shoot”

There are a lot of great people out in the world contributing to diversity & inclusion initiatives. My focus for 2019 is coaching women who dare to play in the boys club. I am here to elevate their leadership skills and give them the tools and mindset exercises to stand tall and equal amongst all.

Standing tall and equal amongst all requires harnessing our feminine energy, not try to be like men, and shift our mindset from “it’s a men’s world” to “it’s our all-inclusive world”.

2019 is the year to restore balance and have more and more women of all color, races, orientation and backgrounds becoming mentors, guides, role models and inspiration for the next generations after us!

Cheers to collaboration, inclusion and to a yin year!
(More to come in the February and March timeframe)