Leadership Minute Monday – Punctuality

Being fashionably late is not fashionable.

It took me about 30 years to finally get that being on time is a precious skill to a point that my mom used to give me times of departure 30 minutes before the actual… I never noticed until she eventually told me in adulthood… LOL

Years later – I now have a reputation of being on the dot except on rare occasions since … well we are humans…

(Thank you to a month on our relationship with time as part of one of my coaching trainings).

So for anyone who struggles with punctuality, I feel your pain. And once you train yourself to cut it off for good, you can breathe SO much more and be even more effective overall.

Not being on time is rude and waste precious productivity time for everyone who counts on you.

Crank it up this week and have a great skills workout! ..this videos is a place to start… The rest takes a lot more digging to get rid of that habit.


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